BlackArch Linux v2014.04.21 - Lightweight expansion to Arch Linux for pentesters and security researchers

BlackArch Linux is an Arch-based GNU/Linux distribution for pentesters and security researchers. The BlackArch package repository is compatible with existing Arch installs.

Changelog v2014.04.21

  • added new system packages: mplayer, abs, ack, bc, bridge-utils, darkhttpd, flashplugin, inotify-tools, irssi, makepasswd, mercurial, mplayer, rtorrent, scrot, strace, tor-browser-en
  • added .Xresources with entries for xterm
  • added wicd to system start (systemctl)
  • added wicd and wicd-gtk networkmanager
  • removed ‘xset r rate 150 100′ entry for X
  • updated menu entries
  • added more than 150 new tools
  • replaced zathura pdf reader with mupdf
Main Features
  • Support for i686, x86_64, armv6h and armv7h architectures
  • Over 750 tools (constantly increasing)
  • Modular package groups
  • A live ISO with multiple window managers, including dwm, fluxbox, openbox, awesome, wmii, i3 and spectrwm.
  • An installer with the ability to build from source.

If you are like to add your tool in our blog feel free to contact us. We are always ready to add it for free.

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